Wednesday, May 11, 2016

To 2016 and beyond!

I've been updating and updating my bucket list for the longest time.  I shall do it once more.  Probably not the last time ... but I've simplified it a smidge.  I took away the numbers so that I can update a bit easier ... because, I think, as I get older, my goals in life are gonna change.  Most of these items on my bucket list are dreams.  The ones that I've starred are the ones that are of real importance to me.  (Notice they are all of my most recently updated items ... I told ya my goals are changing!)  Beyond them, if I accomplish nothing else in this life, I am good to go.  I've also taken away the items on my list that I've already completed ... no need to dwell in the past but look to the future ... and even better, the present!  So here's to now ... 2016 ... and beyond!

Go hiking in New Zealand!!!

Learn the Quick Step

Read through the Bible in my favorite translations - NIV, ESV, and NASB

Homeschool my kids (at least for a time) :)

Take a BBF trip to the Bosom Buddies Cottages in Nova Scotia with Emily!!!

Visit all 50 states!

Go Hot Air-Ballooning

Ride a jet ski

Go to the Iowa-80 truck stop ... the largest truck stop in the world!!!

Write a book ... yes, that's right - a BOOK!

Have a picnic on the grassy hills of Ireland

Go on a cruise

Find out more about my heritage

Read through the Bible in a year

Learn the dance to "Thriller"

Take a road trip to see Pastor Mike and Shelley

Get out of debt

"Give like no one else"

*Master an attitude of grace and an attitude of gratitude to the best of my ability this side of Heaven

*Be a prayer warrior

*Leave a Godly legacy for my children and grandchildren

*Raise my children to know and love and trust in the Lord to the best of my ability

*Love and serve and honor my husband to the best of my ability