Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trip to Cutter Gap

These pictures are from my trip to "Cutter Gap", TN ... the place where Leonora Whitacker Wood served as a teacher in a backwoods mission ... she taught and ministered to the children of the Appalachian Mountains in the early 1900s. Her story is depicted in Catherine Marshall's book, Christy. I LOVE the story and service that Christy (Leanora) did then - I would LOVE to do something similar. So I traveled to the Appalachian Mountains to find the site where she worked and lived. I found it! I talked to a man related to one of the characters in the book. I walked on the same ground that Leonora did! I saw and drove through the same incredible mountains she got to see everyday she woke up to serve her kids. It was an awesome trip ... and a little scary in parts. I knocked off a few of my bucket list items too. Yes!!!! :D

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